
You must try these ten Indonesian dishes!

In Indonesia, you can experience various kinds of exciting holidays, ranging from nature tourism, sightseeing in historical places, to culinary tours. Yes, a vacation will feel incomplete if you don't taste a variety of Indonesian specialties that are guaranteed to make you addicted. Actually, there are a lot of local specialties in Indonesia. Let's see some of them!


Have you ever tasted this culinary delight? He said this one food became one of the main dishes in every Padang restaurant in all corners of the country. Yes, especially if it's not rendang. Rendang is a dish originating from Minangkabau, made from processed meat cooked with spices. This one cuisine is so popular because it has a delicious taste. In fact, in 2017, rendang was named the number one most delicious food by CNN Travel. You know! Great, yes.

2. Pempek

Talking about Indonesian specialties, it would not be complete without mentioning Pempek Palembang. This food, made from fish meat and starch, is said to have been around since the 16th century. Pempek is a community favorite dish because it has a complete taste. There are sour, sweet, spicy, and savory flavors. Pempek also comes in several types, including pempek lenjer, round, fish skin, and the most famous is pempek submarine, which contains chicken eggs.

3. Fried Rice

Who doesn't know this very Indonesian food? This food is so famous that it is very global and is often recommended to foreigners who are visiting Indonesia for the first time. The world has recognized the delicious taste of fried rice. In fact, in 2011, fried rice was ranked second in the list of "50 Most Delicious Foods in the World" based on the results of a CNN International survey. You must have tried this culinary!

4. Gudeg

Gudeg is a typical dish from Yogyakarta. If you visit Jogja, it's incomplete if you haven't eaten gudeg or used it as a gift for your loved ones. Gudeg Jogja is famous for its sweet taste and is made from young jackfruit mixed with coconut milk. This typical Jogja food will taste more delicious if eaten with warm rice, thick coconut milk, free-range chicken, tempeh, tofu, and eggs.

5. Liwet rice

After you are satisfied with eating out in Jogja, you can continue your culinary tour to a city that is quite close to Jogja, namely the city of Solo. Here, you can indulge your stomach again by eating liwet rice. Do you already know for sure about this culinary one? Nasi liwet is rice cooked with coconut milk and has a savory taste, similar to nasi uduk. This rice is served with shredded chicken, areh (thick coconut milk), and chayote vegetables. It's really, really tasty. Perfect to eat at breakfast or dinner.

6. Tengkleng

You may be unfamiliar with Tengkleng. This soupy food made from goat bones has always been the target of tourists visiting Solo. There is an interesting story about this cuisine. It is said that in the past, only the nobles and the Dutch were able to eat goat meat, while the cooks and workers could only eat the head, legs, and bones. From there came the idea to process the bones with a little meat into a dish similar to goat curry. Then, tengkleng is created with a more watery sauce than curry.

7. Meatballs

This is a typical Indonesian food that can be found in almost all regions in Indonesia, from big cities to villages. Food in the form of meat balls is usually made from a mixture of ground beef and tapioca flour. Now, meatballs come in more varied types and are not always round, you know, Pesona Pesona. One portion of meatballs will usually be served with broth and topped with noodles, tofu, fried onions, and celery.

8. Lumpia (Spring Rolls)

There are more delicious culinary delights in Indonesia. If you have had heavy food before, it's time for you to try the famous snacks from Semarang, namely spring rolls. When viewed from the perspective of its history, spring rolls are traditional snacks originating from China. Spring rolls are made from rice flour, which is formed into very thin sheets and then given various fillings, such as bamboo shoots, eggs, meat, fresh vegetables, or seafood.

9. Rawon

If you like dishes made from various processed meats, Indonesia has a lot of special foods made from meat. One of them is Rawon. This beef soup with a thick black sauce is a typical food from East Java. The dark black color of rawon is produced by kluwek mixed with tender pieces of beef. Rawon is usually served with rice, bean sprouts, scallions, salted egg, and prawn cracker leaves as a complement.

10. Sate Lilit

For those of you who might be going to Bali, you need to make satay wraps as a menu that you will eat while on vacation. Yes! Sate, which is an icon of Balinese cuisine, is quite easy to find in various tourist locations, such as in Badung, Denpasar, and Gianyar. For those who have never tried, what is sate lilit around? Different form Sate in general, which is in the form of skewers of pieces of meat, sate lilit is in the form of lumps of dough made of meat wrapped around the skewer. In addition, this sate is also not served with peanut sauce because the seasoning of the dough is already rich in taste.


Indonesian food is very varied. When on vacation to various cities in Indonesia, you must taste at least one typical food from the area so that your vacation experience is even more perfect.

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