
How might a nuclear conflict between the US and Russia play out?

Nuclear power plant

A nuclear conflict between the US and Russia might result in the deaths of billions of people. Nuclear conflict could result in the deaths of billions of people. For individuals who are in the direct path of the weaponry, this might be disastrous.

A recent analysis, according to CBS News, demonstrates the extent of how terrible such a nuclear war may be.

Research found that a nuclear explosion would result in global famine on Monday, August 15, 2022. This is due to the fact that excessive soot will reduce food production, destabilize the climatic system, and block sunlight.

The authors predicted that "(this) will be a global catastrophe for food security."

Even a relatively small nuclear war, like that between Pakistan and India, would have catastrophic results.

The study also discovered that 27 million people would die instantly during a week-long nuclear conflict involving around 100 weapons and the release of 5 Tg, or about 11 billion pounds, of soot.

Let us constantly pray for peace in the world.

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