
The Top 5 Most Beautiful Places on Earth

 The world is big. There are many places that present spectacular panoramic beauty. These beautiful places are scattered all over the face of the earth so that they become the perfect object to be explored.

So beautiful, it feels as if it is mandatory to visit these places at least once in a lifetime. If you have visited it, then it becomes an unforgettable experience in life.

So where are the most beautiful places in the world? As reported by CNN Travel, here are five of the most beautiful places in the world that you must visit at least once in your life:

1.Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, China

The beauty of Zhangjiajie National Forest Park in China.

Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, located in Hunan Province, China, is the first UNESCO World Heritage Site in the Bamboo Curtain Country. This tourist attraction is known for its towering stone pillars.

Tourists who want to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy the beautiful panorama are the most likely to visit Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. Walking around exploring this place feels like walking in heaven.

The best panorama will be presented when the fog descends so that the stone pillars look like they are flying above the clouds. It is this panorama that has inspired many traditional Chinese paintings for a long time.

2. Maldives

The beauty of the Maldives as a romantic place to celebrate Valentine's Day.

The beauty of white sand with clear blue sea water and clear skies is certainly an image that comes to mind when imagining a beautiful beach.

Such beaches also exist in the real world, in the Maldives to be exact. This country in the Indian Ocean, which consists of about 1,200 islands, is indeed the most suitable place to visit to enjoy the beauty of the beach.

The beauty of the beach is enhanced with more than 100 private resorts and inns that are there. Tourists can do many things, from swimming to diving to witnessing the exotic colors of coral reefs.


The charm of the stone city that is on the cliff wall turns out to be in the real world. The city is Petra in Jordan. This site became known to many people when it became one of the new seven wonders of the world in 2007.

One thing that is amazing about Petra is that the city is built on rocks. 

The magnificent architecture of the building is made by carving rock cliffs and mountains. Being in this city feels like being in another dimension that is completely different.

When the sun rises or sets, the color spectrum of this stone city will look even more impressive. This city used to be at the peak of its glory between 400 BC and 106 AD.

4.Lake District, England

The Lake District in England is very peaceful. Charming mountains, sunny weather, and ancient lakes make the perfect combination to bring peace to anyone who visits them.

The Lake District area is now a UNESCO protected site. However, this lake remains an extraordinary tourist attraction.

The beautiful and peaceful atmosphere of the Lake District is also the most suitable for those who love tranquility. If you want to escape the hustle and bustle of the urban atmosphere, this lake is the best destination.

5.Horseshoe Bend.

The Giant Horseshoe might be a fitting description to describe the Horseshoe Bend. This tourist attraction is in the State of Arizona, United States and is now visited by many tourists.

Horseshoe Bend is still associated with the Grand Canyon. That's because the scenery presented is in the form of the Colorado River surrounding a giant rock so that the river flows like a horseshoe.

The color combination of the cliffs of the Grand Canyon, the Colorado River, and the sky makes Horseshoe Bend a favorite place for photographers to capture beauty like no other.

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