
The Mindset of a Successful Entrepreneur: Lessons from Elon Musk


The development of the business world is currently experiencing a very drastic increase. This dynamic business world requires us as prospective new entrepreneurs to have a way of thinking so that the business we run can achieve great success.

 Many successful entrepreneurs share a similar way of thinking, namely the concept of a hard worker like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezoz, Howard Schultz, Elon Musk and many other entrepreneurs who are known as "hard workers".

 Bill Gates while popularizing Microsoft works up to 16 hours every day, even the extreme is fasting from listening to music and watching TV for 5 years. Howard Schultz as the CEO of Starbucks admits that he works from 6 am to 7 pm. Meanwhile, Elon Musk, when he started his business, was working hundreds of hours per week.

 Elon Musk's business success is not instant. It takes a lot of dedication to achieve it. However, he was also just an ordinary human who had stepped from the beginning to the present like any other human. Therefore, let's see how a successful entrepreneur, like Elon Musk, thinks in achieving his business success.

Elon Musk's important message for aspiring entrepreneurs:


1. Work twice as hard as others

Before starting a business, we must convince our minds that we must be able to work twice as hard as other people. If our competitors work 4 hours a day, we must do it for 8 hours. This will really help us compete with our competitors.

For example, if you are a prospective entrepreneur who is just starting a business, you can increase your study time to develop yourself by reading articles on daya.id, for example, from 15 minutes to 30-45 minutes per day. This will be very beneficial and accelerate the achievement of your business goals.

 2. Focus on customers

The customer is king, that's true. If customers like our products then the path of success will be much easier. In addition, product we must also be able to provide added value, solve customer problems, and what customers actually need or like.

 One of the ways we can focus on customers is to conduct customer satisfaction surveys. With the help of this survey, we can find out what customers want and expect, and find out the problems faced by customers. Thus, we can solve customer problems and increase customer satisfaction.

 3. Innovation and Take Risks

Elon Musk is known for his willingness to take risks and innovate to achieve success. He believes that to be successful in the business world, we must be prepared to think outside the box and try new things. This means taking risks, even if it means the potential for failure.

For example, Musk's company SpaceX is focused on developing reusable rockets, a technology that was once thought impossible. Likewise, Tesla's focus on electric cars at the time was a bold choice when most automakers were still focused on gasoline cars.

 4. Don't ever give up

Elon Musk is known for his determination and perseverance in the face of adversity. He has faced many challenges and failures during his career, but he has never given up. He believes that in order to achieve success, we must be prepared to keep going, even when the going gets tough.

For example, SpaceX experienced several failures in rocket launches before finally achieving success. Likewise, Tesla faced many challenges and criticisms in the early days of the electric car industry. However, through persistence and determination, Musk and his company were able to overcome these obstacles and achieve success.

 Read More : The Key to Success: Insights into the Mind and Business Strategy of Jack Ma, Visionary Founder of Alibaba

5. Accept Setbacks

Elon Musk believes that failure is an inevitable part of the business world and entrepreneurs should take it as a learning opportunity. He encourages entrepreneurs to see failure as a stepping stone to success and to learn from mistakes made.

 For example, SpaceX experienced several failures in rocket launches before finally achieving success. However, after every failure, SpaceX learns from the mistakes made and takes action to improve the processes and technology used. The same thing happened to Tesla, when the first Roadster came out, it had some problems, but the company learned from its mistakes and improved on subsequent products.

6. Long Term Thinking

Elon Musk is known for his long term mind in business. He has a vision for the future and works towards it with focus and determination. He believes that short term thinking is not enough to achieve long term success.

For example, the company SpaceX is focused on developing reusable rockets and colonizing Mars in the long term, while Tesla is focused on accelerating the world's transition to sustainable energy. This long-term goal requires a lot of resources, patience, and strong vision.


7. Lead by Example

Elon Musk is known for leading by example within his companies. He is deeply involved in the daily operations and is not afraid to cooperate with his employees. He believes that as a leader, it is important to lead by example and set standards of hard work and dedication.

For example, Musk is known for working 100-hour weeks when it's critical at his company and he encourages his employees to do the same. By leading by example, he sets the bar for hard work and dedication and motivates his employees to work hard and achieve more.


8. Think Big

Elon Musk is known for his ambitious thinking and ability to think big. He is not afraid to take on large and complex projects, even if they seem impossible at first glance. He believes that by thinking big, entrepreneurs can achieve more and make a bigger impact in the world.

For example, Musk's SpaceX company is focused on developing reusable rockets and colonizing Mars, which is a huge and ambitious goal that seems impossible at first glance. Likewise, Tesla's goal of accelerating the world's transition to sustainable energy is also a big and ambitious goal.

 9. Be Passionate

Elon Musk is known for his passion and enthusiasm for work. yes. He is very interested and passionate in the projects he is on, such as SpaceX, Tesla, SolarCity and others. This passion and enthusiasm makes him work harder and longer to achieve his goals.

 For example, Musk is very passionate about the SpaceX project and his company is very focused on developing reusable rockets and colonizing Mars. Likewise, he is very passionate about the Tesla project and his company is very focused on accelerating the world's transition to sustainable energy. This passion and enthusiasm makes him work harder and longer to achieve his goals.

10. Have a Clear Vision

Elon Musk has a clear vision and clear goals for his company. He focuses on long-term goals and makes a well-thought-out plan to achieve them. This clear vision allowed him and his team to work hard to achieve that goal.

For example, SpaceX's vision is to colonize Mars and make humans a multi-planetary species. Tesla's vision is to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy. These visions are crystal clear and allow Musk and his team to work hard and focus to achieve them.


Those are some of the ways of thinking used by Elon Musk in achieving business success. However, keep in mind that every person and business is different and there is no surefire path to success. However, by following these principles, you can increase your chances of success in your business.

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